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With mild spring-time weather upon us, most of the nation’s painting professionals are heading into their busy season. As crews add hours to their schedules and tasks to their lists, the likelihood for injury also increases. Take these safety practices to heart as workloads ramp up: TIP #1: PRIORITIZE PREVENTING FALLS FROM…


Adding complementary service lines is always a great way to grow any type of business, as long as the added service doesn’t distract from or impede your primary service. Power washing is one service line addition that is helping more and more painting professionals expand and market their businesses. Here, three of…


In the April issue of inPAINT magazine, five painting professionals were asked about their tape preferences. Most pros are creatures of habit and once they feel comfortable with a product, they’re not inclined to try something new unless they absolutely have to. But when it comes to tape, they are always on…


The year is young and when it comes to running your business, it’s important to not let the New Year’s excitement wear off too soon. We’ve all heard about how most of us break our New Year’s resolutions before February, but that doesn’t have to be the case for those who have…


Delivering a clean bead of caulk requires solid technique and practice, and for some painting professionals, it may seem like the simplest part of a job. But caulking a soffit seam or baseboard can also quickly become a messy endeavor if you’re not paying attention, rushing, or have learned some sloppy techniques….


When painting professionals answer questions about the technology that helps them most in their business, responses can be a mixed bag. You have some old-school personalities who prefer more manual processes, and others who are willing to test drive the latest app or tech solution out there. In the Jan/Feb issue of…


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