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Painting professionals offer expertise in the best painting application practices, but most are not color experts. That’s why many pros working with customers who need help choosing a color may have some trepidation about offering guidance. In some situations, a pro may even find that they see a color sample completely differently…


You’re a pro. You’ve been doing this for a while, and you may even be sought after when it comes to best practices on the job. But when it comes to storing tools, materials or supplies, you may have some old habits that need to die. Here are four tools or materials…


It may sound contradictory to bring on new hires at a time of year when—if you operate in a cold-weather climate—many companies consider trimming personnel. On the other hand, this contrarian thinking could put you ahead of the game come spring when business starts to pick up again and you must add…


Any passionate entrepreneur is prone to workaholic tendencies. While the obvious problems with those leanings are tied to work-life balance, sometimes these traits can actually impede a business’ ability to grow. Bill Silverman has seen these situations far too often. The owner of Springboard Business Coaching helps paint pros and other business…


All painting professionals run into the dreaded time crunch, when the number of hours allotted for a job just may not be enough. So, what’s a skipped step here and there, you might ask? Unfortunately, it can mean the difference between a satisfied customer and a callback—especially on interior jobs. Here, Rick…


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