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Since 1866, Sherwin-Williams has supplied paint and coatings to homeowners and professional customers in the residential, commercial and industrial sectors. Today, the company has more than 4,200 neighborhood stores and 2,600 employed representatives in North America. Despite balancing market shifts, economic changes, and product demand, what’s remained consistent over the years is…


Rusted metal roofing, high-traffic stadium floors, and tile that needs recoating; these are just a few of the project types that the pros featured in this issue’s Pro Picks had to contend with in the recent past. Read on to learn which specialty coating they turned to to tackle the challenge and…


Let’s face it: When you’re eager to lay down that first coat of primer or paint, cleaning up dust from drywall or sanding isn’t anybody’s idea of a party. The good news is that sanding systems—which incorporate a vacuum with a hand or motorized sander—continue to become easier to use and more…


Erin Marshall used to get irritated when she looked out the window of her kitchen in Portland, OR, and her gaze fell on the house across the street. “It was white and it just blitzed my eyeballs in the morning because it faces east,” she says. As an interior design consultant, white…


As a painting business grows, it’s natural for an owner to be less involved with crews. From a business operations standpoint, that’s a good thing. An owner’s time is limited and, to maintain growth, he or she must focus on ways to build revenue instead of tending to day-to-day job details. While…


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